Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This weekend, I came to the realization that I absolutely HATE moving.  I think I've always known how miserable it is but for some reason, this move has really topped it off for me.  I realized this year that I have lived in 10 different places since graduating from High School.  That is a bit ridiculous. While it has been 8 years since graduation but still.  Why can't I just be happy in one place for longer than a year?  

This move I am going to blame mostly on finding the love of my life Britton.  Since he lives in Sioux City, and his family lives in Sioux City, it didn't make much sense to stay in Vermillion.  They have become my second family and having to drive 45 minutes to see them seemed silly.  I'd much rather commute to work than commute to fun (the fine words of Britton).  So I took posession of a new apartment in North Sioux two weeks ago and the move began.  It started with a packing party with my friends here in Vermillion.  I provided the wine and food and they packed up my entire kitchen, pantry, living room and dining room.  I've got to say, it was the most fun I have had packing ever!

I spent all last week moving odds and ends, clothes and small boxes and held on to the big stuff for the weekend where again, I had my friends from Vermillion help me move and Britton's friends and family help me once in my new locale.  My dearest hope would be that I could stay in this place for at least 2 years, maybe more but I have a funny feeling it will be another year lease.  Britton's goal is to own a house within the next year and that will most likely lead to my move... again.  For now I will get comfortable in the new apartment and will continue to wish the moving will end in the next few years.

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