Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wedding week

The last few weeks my life has been what I call boring.  I have spent some QT with the Wall family but my day to day has been somewhat mundane now that the students have all left campus and Vermillion has lost a significant portion of the population.  However, this week I am getting ready for my Big's big day!  This is the Zelie Davis-Frank Wooten wedding week! 

About a year ago I got my invitation to be a bridesmaid.  In true Zelie fashion she sent me a small bouquet of flowers with a little rhyme asking me to stand by her side while she said I do.  Throughout college and beyond Zelie and I have kept in touch and I was ecstatic when my invitation to be a bridesmaid came.  "Of course I will" I said to Zelie the second I got her on the phone! I couldn't wait to celebrate the big day with her!

The week of the big blizzard I picked up the bridesmaid dress for this late spring wedding.  While it was snowing buckets outside I was trying on the lovely bright green sundress.  It had me dreaming of warmer weather and fun times with friends.  The dress is perfect for a Zelie wedding.  The color screams Zelie as her favorite is green and the style of the dress will look great on all of us.
A few months later I received the shoes in the mail.  Zelie had bought all of our shoes and sent mine to try on. 

I love the simplicity of the entire bridesmaid outfit, fits Zelie's style perfectly.  I can't wait to stand up there beside her!

After the wedding this weekend I will surely post some better pics and provide more details regarding the event.  I can't wait to leave for Holy Trinity, Alabama 3 days from today!   Looking forward to warm weather and some quality time with my Big!


  1. Love that dress and the shoes are adorable!! Can't wait to read about the wedding and see some pics - don't forget your camera!! And then next weekend it's off to NYC to see your little sister - oh my!

  2. I just googled mine name in images, and you popped up. HEHE Love the blog!
