Thursday, April 21, 2011

I think I have been a good sport about all this cold weather out here.  I have rarely complained and in fact, was quite fascinated with the snow... until now.  Earlier this week and last we were still experiencing snow storms.  Last Friday people were even calling it a blizzard. Wet, heavy snow that mostly melts when it hits the ground but clogs the streets with slush and covers the cars in white shit.  Please excuse the fowl language but I have reached my wits end with this crappy weather!  It is APRIL for goodness sakes and we're still experiencing temperatures in the 40's!  Yes, that's right, today it hasn't gotten about 45 degrees.  And its raining. At least it isn't snowing though, right?! Pray for my sanity because i don't know how much longer it will last. The wind, snow, rain and temperatures of South Dakota have me seriously wiggin out ;)


  1. Can you understand why I went to college in Florida? You'll get through it! Before you know it, it will be a beautiful, beautiful, unbeatable midwestern summer ;)

  2. I can't wait for that moment to come! :)
